Results for 'Jerelyn Cunningham Creutz'

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  1.  23
    Leibniz and Confucianism: The Search for Accord.Jerelyn Cunningham Creutz - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (1):90.
  2.  16
    Far Eastern Philosophies.Jerelyn C. Creutz & K. Satchidananda Murty - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):488.
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    Object-based auditory and visual attention.Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham - 2008 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 12 (5):182.
  4. A Reply To Peter Dear's ‘religion, Science And Natural Philosophy: Thoughts On Cunningham's Thesis’.Andrew Cunningham - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 32 (2):387-391.
  5.  22
    The Political Thought of C.B. Macpherson: Contemporary Applications.Frank Cunningham - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    Central to the thought of C.B. Macpherson are his critique of the culture of ‘possessive individualism’ and his defence of liberal-democratic socialism. Resurgence of interest in his works is in reaction to the rise of neoliberalism and efforts to find an alternative to societies dominated by capitalist markets. Macpherson’s theories are explained and applied to 21st century challenges.
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  6. Law versus code of conduct : between convergence and conflict.Katja Creutz - 2013 - In Jan Klabbers & Touko Piiparinen (eds.), Normative pluralism and international law: exploring global governance. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Transfer Matrices and Lattice Fermions at Finite Density.Michael Creutz - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (3):487-492.
    I discuss the connection between the Hamiltonian and path integral approaches for fermionic fields. I show how the temporal Wilson projection operators appear naturally in a lattice action. I also carefully treat the insertion of a chemical potential term.
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    A prototypical conceptualization of mechanisms.Bryon Cunningham - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 85:79-91.
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  9. The reemergence of 'emergence'.Bryon Cunningham - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (3):S63-S75.
    A variety of recent philosophical discussions, particularly on topics relating to complexity, have begun to reemploy the concept of 'emergence'. Although multiple concepts of 'emergence' are available, little effort has been made to systematically distinguish them. In this paper, I provide a taxonomy of higher-order properties that (inter alia) distinguishes three classes of emergent properties: (1) ontologically basic properties of complex entities, such as the mythical vital properties, (2) fully configurational properties, such as mental properties as they are conceived of (...)
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    The Heart of What Matters: The Role for Literature in Moral Philosophy.Anthony Cunningham - 2001 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
    The Heart of What Matters shows that literature has a powerful and unique role to play in understanding life's deepest ethical problems. Anthony Cunningham provides a rigorous critique of Kantian ethics, which has enjoyed a preeminent place in moral philosophy in the United States, arguing that it does not do justice to the reality of our lives. He demonstrates how fine literature can play an important role in honing our capacity to see clearly and choose wisely as he develops (...)
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    Perspectives on Faith and Reason: Studies in the Religious Philosophies of Kant, Hegel and Kierkegaard.Nina Cunningham - 1978 - The Owl of Minerva 10 (1):10-10.
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    Language and the phenomenological reductions of Edmund Husserl.Suzanne Cunningham - 1976 - The Hague: M. Nijhoff.
    CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Rene" Descartes started modern Western philosophy on its search for an absolutely certain foundation for knowledge. ...
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  13.  31
    Virtual Witnessing and the Role of the Reader in a New Natural Philosophy.Richard Cunningham - 2001 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 34 (3):207 - 224.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 34.3 (2001) 207-224 [Access article in PDF] Virtual Witnessing and the Role of the Reader in a New Natural Philosophy Richard Cunningham [Figures]How did the self-described new natural philosophies of the early modern period displace other philosophic (moral, ethical, legal), and specifically religious, discourses as the locus of truth in our culture? Natural philosophy's rejection of disputation and of revelation as means of producing truth (...)
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    Confidence in Care Instead of Capacity: A Feminist Approach to Opioid Overdose.Kathryn A. Cunningham, Lisa Campo-Engelstein, Emma Tumilty & Jessica Olivares - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (5):51-53.
    The article “Revive and Refuse: Capacity, Autonomy, and Refusal of Care After Opioid Overdose,” Marshall et al. (2024) highlights the critical issue of care after an opioid overdose. “Revive and Re...
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    Who benefits and how? Public expectations of public benefits from data-intensive health research.Sarah Cunningham-Burley, Emily Creamer, Carol Porteous & Mhairi Aitken - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (2).
    The digitization of society and academic research endeavours have led to an explosion of interest in the potential uses of population data in research. Alongside this, increasing attention is focussing on the conditions necessary for maintaining a social license for research practices. Previous research has pointed to the importance of demonstrating “public benefits” from research for maintaining public support, yet there has been very little consideration of what the term “public benefits” means or what public expectations of “public benefits” are. (...)
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  16.  67
    How the Sublime Became “Now”.David Cunningham - 2004 - Symposium 8 (3):549-571.
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    7 + 5 = 12.G. Watts Cunningham - 1922 - Philosophical Review 31 (5):495-504.
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    Symposium papers, comments and an abstract: Comments on "Merleau-ponty and the myth of bodily intentionality".Suzanne Cunningham - 1988 - Noûs 22 (1):49-50.
  19.  61
    What'S Wrong with Inequality.Frank Cunningham - unknown
    when the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives published an ambitious report, The Rich and the Rest of Us by Armine Yalnizyan, reactions from the political right quickly followed. This was, of course, to be expected. Her research describes galloping disparities of income among Canadians from 1976, where after-tax median income of the top 10% of families was 31 times higher than that of the bottom 10%, to 2004 when it was 82 times higher. An even more dramatic case could be (...)
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  20.  10
    Die Parteiung der Philosophie: Studien Wider Hegel und Die Kantianer.G. W. Cunningham - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21 (3):382-382.
  21.  36
    Semiosic Relativity.Donald J. Cunningham & Richard D. Stewart - 1990 - Semiotics:256-264.
  22.  9
    Critical notices.W. Cunningham - 1876 - Mind (4):549-552.
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  23. The matter of motivating reasons.J. J. Cunningham - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (5):1563-1589.
    It is now standard in the literature on reasons and rationality to distinguish normative reasons from motivating reasons. Two issues have dominated philosophical theorising concerning the latter: (i) whether we should think of them as certain (non-factive) psychological states of the agent – the dispute over Psychologism; and (ii) whether we should say that the agent can Φ for the reason that p only if p – the dispute over Factivism. This paper first introduces a puzzle: these disputes look very (...)
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  24.  46
    Changes in waist circumference and body mass index in the us cardia cohort: Fixed-effects associations with self-reported experiences of racial/ethnic discrimination.Timothy J. Cunningham, Lisa F. Berkman, Ichiro Kawachi, David R. Jacobs, Teresa E. Seeman, Catarina I. Kiefe & Steven L. Gortmaker - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (2):267-278.
  25. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Religion, War, Famine and Death in Reformation Europe.Andrew Cunningham & Ole Peter Grell - 2004 - Science and Society 68 (1):117-120.
  26.  16
    The luciferic verses: the Daodejing and the Chinese roots of esoteric history.Eric Cunningham - 2018 - Washington: Academica Press. Edited by Laozi.
    Eric Cunnigham's exciting new book combines a new translation of the Chinese classic Daodejing with a synthetic interpretation of the Dao. It innovatively employs the interweaving perspectives of Anthroposophy and esoteric world history. Among the inspirations for this work's unique reading of the verses of the *Daodejing*is the speculation of contemporary esoteric scholars that the Yellow Emperor of Chinese mytho-history was actually a human incarnation of the spirit known elsewhere as Lucifer. This argument has been used to explain the manner (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Are Perceptual Reasons the Objects of Perception?J. J. Cunningham - 2018 - In Johan Gersel, Rasmus Thybo Jensen, Morten S. Thaning & Morten Overgaard (eds.), In the Light of Experience: New Essays on Perception and Reasons. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This paper begins with a Davidsonian puzzle in the epistemology of perception and introduces two solutions to that puzzle: the Truth-Maker View (TMV) and the Content Model. The paper goes on to elaborate (TMV), elements of which can be found in the work of Kalderon (2011) and Brewer (2011). The central tenant of (TMV) is the claim that one's reason for one's perceptual belief should, in all cases, be identified with some item one perceives which makes the proposition believed true. (...)
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  28.  8
    The Identity of the History of Science and Medicine.Andrew Cunningham - 2012 - Routledge.
    In these essays, Andrew Cunningham is concerned with issues of identity - what was the identity of topics, disciplines, arguments, diseases in the past, and whether they are identical with topics, disciplines, arguments or diseases in the present. Historians usually tend to assume such continuous identities of present attitudes and activities with past ones, and rarely question them; the contention here is that this gives us a false image of the very things in the past that we went to (...)
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  29.  85
    (1 other version)The pen and the Sword: Recovering the disciplinary identity of physiology and anatomy before 1800 - I: Old physiology-the pen.Andrew Cunningham - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (4):631-665.
    It is argued that the disciplinary identity of anatomy and physiology before 1800 are unknown to us due to the subsequent creation, success and historiographical dominance of a different discipline-experimental physiology. The first of these two papers deals with the identity of physiology from its revival in the 1530s, and demonstrates that it was a theoretical, not an experimental, discipline, achieved with the mind and the pen, not the hand and the knife. The physiological work of Jean Fernel, Albrecht von (...)
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  30.  65
    (1 other version)The pen and the Sword: Recovering the disciplinary identity of physiology and anatomy before 1800 - II: Old anatomy-the Sword.A. Cunningham - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (1):51-76.
    Following the exploration of the disciplinary identity of physiology before 1800 in the previous paper of this pair, the present paper seeks to recover the complementary identity of the discipline of anatomy before 1800. The manual, artisanal character of anatomy is explored via some of its practitioners, with special attention being given to William Harvey and Albrecht von Haller. Attention is particularly drawn to the important role of experiment in anatomical research and practice-which has been misread by historians as physiological (...)
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  31.  88
    Genealogy of nihilism: philosophies of nothing and the difference of theology.Conor Cunningham - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    Nihilism is the logic of nothing as something, which claims that Nothing Is. Its unmaking of things, and its forming of formless things, strain the fundamental terms of existence: what it is to be, to know, to be known. But nihilism, the antithesis of God, is also like theology. Where nihilism creates nothingness, condenses it to substance, God also makes nothingness creative. Negotiating the borders of spirit and substance, theology can ask the questions of nihilism that other disciplines do not (...)
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  32.  34
    A Theory on Abstraction in St. Thomas.Francis A. Cunningham - 1958 - Modern Schoolman 35 (4):249-270.
  33.  5
    The Common Weal: Six Lectures on Political Philosophy.W. Cunningham - 1917 - Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Bruce Rogers.
    William Cunningham was a prominent British economist and economic historian. In this book, which was first published in 1917, Cunningham provides a concise guide to various aspects of political philosophy, with a particular focus on British political institutions. Appendices are included and textual notes are incorporated throughout. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in political philosophy and the nature of governance.
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    Michael Blake: Justice, Migration, & Mercy.Mario Josue Cunningham Matamoros - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (1):407-409.
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    Prospection and emotional memory: how expectation affects emotional memory formation following sleep and wake.Tony J. Cunningham, Alexis M. Chambers & Jessica D. Payne - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  36. Epistemically Hypocritical Blame.Alexandra Cunningham - 2024 - Episteme:1-19.
    It is uncontroversial that something goes wrong with the blaming practices of hypocrites. However, it is more difficult to pinpoint exactly what is objectionable about their blaming practices. I contend that, just as epistemologists have recently done with blame, we can constructively treat hypocrisy as admitting of an epistemic species. This paper has two objectives: first, to identify the epistemic fault in epistemically hypocritical blame, and second, to explain why epistemically hypocritical blamers lose their standing to epistemically blame. I tackle (...)
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    How the P rincipia Got Its Name: Or, Taking Natural Philosophy Seriously.Andrew Cunningham - 1991 - History of Science 29 (4):377-392.
  38.  32
    The Mystical Element in Hegel's Early Theological Writings.G. W. Cunningham - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20 (6):669-670.
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    Herder: His Life and Thought.G. Watts Cunningham - 1956 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 16 (3):415-416.
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    A Covering Lemma for HOD of K (ℝ).Daniel W. Cunningham - 2010 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 51 (4):427-442.
    Working in ZF+AD alone, we prove that every set of ordinals with cardinality at least Θ can be covered by a set of ordinals in HOD of K (ℝ) of the same cardinality, when there is no inner model with an ℝ-complete measurable cardinal. Here ℝ is the set of reals and Θ is the supremum of the ordinals which are the surjective image of ℝ.
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    A Last Word.Andrew Cunningham - 2000 - Early Science and Medicine 5 (3):299-300.
  42. Faithful Persuasion: In Aid of Rhetoric of Christian Theology.David S. Cunningham - 1990
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  43. Habit as a Law of Mind: A Peircean Approach to Habit in Cultural and Mental Phenomena.Scott Cunningham & Elize Bisanz - 2016 - In Myrdene Anderson & Donna West (eds.), Consensus on Peirce’s Concept of Habit: Before and Beyond Consciousness. Springer Verlag.
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    Should we treat animals better?Kevin Cunningham - 2019 - Hallandale, FL: Mitchell Lane Publishers.
    We are paying new attention to the old idea that we should treat animals better. Eating a meatless diet is more popular than ever. People from philosophers to musicians work to end laboratory testing on animals. Yet animals provide us with food and clothing. Medical treatments tested on rats and chimpanzees save lives every day. Is it impossible for humans to live without using animals? Or should we stop making animals serve us? Should We Treat Animals Better? travels through history (...)
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    Uvirksom forløsning.John Cunningham - 2011 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 29 (4):103-126.
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    Los trabajos de ajuste y combate: naturaleza y sociedad en la historia de América Latina.Lucía Guerra-Cunningham - 1994 - Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba: Casa de las Américas.
    Ejes de la territorialidad patriarcal -- Fronteras y antifaces del signo mujer -- En el flujo heterogéneo de la liberación.
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  47. The Futures of Surrealism: Hegelianism, Romanticism, and the Avant-Garde.David Cunningham - 2005 - Substance 34 (2):47-65.
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  48. What Is a Mind?: An Integrative Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind.Suzanne Cunningham - 2000 - Hackett.
    Designed for a first course in the philosophy of mind, this book has several distinctive features.
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  49.  13
    Philosophy and the Darwinian legacy.Suzanne Cunningham - 1996 - Rochester: University of Rochester Press.
    Has exclusion of Darwin's views on evolution distorted 20c philosophy? Cunningham suggests a reappraisal.
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  50.  32
    Responsible Advertisers: A Contractualist Approach to Ethical Power.Anne Cunningham - 1999 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 14 (2):82-94.
    American democracy depends on the free exchange of ideas to create a rational and well informed public, which, in turn, makes decisions that benefit society as a whole. Unfortunately, media reliance on advertising may be eroding the necessary free flow of information. This article addresses the proper role of advertisers in the media. Certainly advertisers enjoy some degree of economic power over the media, but should that influence be used to control media content? Arendt's view of communicative power demonstrates how (...)
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